May 2021

May 2021

Hello to all of our friends. We want to apologize for not writing a newsletter every month. It's been a little bit slow. We do have a few things going on that we would like to tell you about. There is this very remote community called Palá. The only way to get there...

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April 2021

April 2021

Hello to all our friends and prayer partners, We pray God's richest blessings to all of you. It seems like COVID-19 has taken over the world and it has surely affected ministry here in Guatemala.  We don't have teams coming to do short term mission trips, but that has...

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Jan. 2021

Hello friends, We pray that you are all doing well and are safe, healthy. One of the things that we enjoy is when we are able to host short term mission teams. It is so wonderful to see God working in peoples lives. In just one short week God can transform some of...

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October 2020

October 2020

Well this has been a super strange year to say the least. But God is still in control. It has been 4 months since our last newsletter. Without having any short term mission teams come to visit this year has made  it very different for us. We have tried to help the...

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