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Hello to all our friends and prayer partners, We pray God’s richest blessings to all of you. It seems like COVID-19 has taken over the world and it has surely affected ministry here in Guatemala.  We don’t have teams coming to do short term mission trips, but that has not stopped us from continuing to minister to as many here as we can. We have been building a few houses for families. We have installed a few stoves. We had a group with another ministry (Jason and Kelly Hart), The name of their ministry is very much like ours, It is Servants Hart Ministry, anyway this team wanted to build a house, they did and did a great job. Thats not the best part though, Jason had been planting some seed with this family and before the group left, the mom and dad both asked Jesus to come into their hearts. Jason and Kelly already work in the area of San Lorenzo, El Tejar so they will be discipling this family.They have already joined in on a bible study group. That is a big Glory to God.

We do have some groups interested in coming this summer. We are praying and hoping that they will get to, even if they do not, we will still be praising God for the things that we have been able to do for His Kingdom.






Also while I (Bob) had some extra time, I have been making lots of improvements to the drilling rig. I mounted the new air compressor on the deck. I installed a high pressure injection pump, some new hydraulic lines, air horns, and an engine exhaust brake. I have sanded and repainted the whole thing. Let me just tell you, that is a lot of sanding. So here are some before and after pictures. You can’t tell it from the photos but we still do not have licenses plates for this machine. That means that I can not drive it to the locations that need water wells. Please keep praying that the government of Guatemala will issue those plates soon. We have so many people waiting for a well.

For the prayer request, as already mentioned the licenses plates for the drill rig. That we might start having mission teams again. That people here would see Jesus in us and through our work here. That we would continue to find ways to share the Gospel message. 

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