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Hello to all of our friends. We want to apologize for not writing a newsletter every month. It’s been a little bit slow.

We do have a few things going on that we would like to tell you about. There is this very remote community called Palá. The only way to get there is with 4 wheel drive vehicles. We have taken food there before and it is with the coordinated and combined efforts of our ministry and Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian who provides the funds. This time we took 178 food bags. Our staff with our trucks gets as close as they can, and then they meet up with some guys who have 4 wheel drive trucks. They shift the food bags to those trucks and the very bad road takes one hour to drive and it is even worse now as it has started raining here.

The pandemic has not slowed Campos de Suenos down. They are still tutoring children with their school work. Instead of feeding the children corporately, they are sending bags of dry good home with the children for the entire family. They prepare a hot meal which the children take home and they give them enough for the family.

Also in Santa Maria De Jesus we are still helping the family of Calixto. He is the little boy who was blind at birth and we took him to the eye doctor and the doctor realized that it was neurological, so since then the ministry has been taking him to a neurologist in Guatemala City annually except for 2020.  He is returning for a Doctors visit next week because of the development of seizures. Please pray for his family during this time.

We still don’t have any news on the license plates for the drill rig. There has been some movement forward but not much.

Our regular teams that would be coming in the summer months are not coming down , but we do have teams on the calendar for November 2021 and January 2022.

We have one person Averey Wright, she will be coming from Mid June to August to serve with us. She wants to improve her Spanish some more.

We want to take a moment to tell you all thanks for your continued support. I know that we have told you this before but it is ok if I tell you again. That we could not do what we do here without people like you. You are giving to the Lord and we just get to be a small part of it as facilitators.

For prayer request, please pray for health and safety for us and our staff. for the Covid virus to be eradicated, the legal documentation for the drill rig.  Thank you for praying with us.

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