Happy to have Seth Weilage here for a couple weeks helping to drill wells in Tactic, Guatemala Seth is a water well driller from Council Bluffs, Iowa. We have 3 wells that are needed in Schools and one well that is needed at ministry headquarters for mission impact here. We have made one well in a school called Vida Nueva. it’s making 20 Gallons per minute. Lord willing we will be successful in the other projects. I am so happy to have the experience that Seth brings to the job site.
For the year of 2019 we have drilled 7 well with this rig and 3 of the 7 are good wells. Right now Max. depth is 300 feet.
We are now working on a new water well in the area of San Cristobal Alta Vera Pass. It is for a ministry that reaches out to the Pokomchi People up here in the Northern part of Guatemala. They are so kind and helpful. It is looking like it is going to make a good well. We are down to 150 feet deep that is the max depth for our machine. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I would like to add that we have stepped out in faith on this one and have not asked for any financial help. So if you would like to help with a water well project this would be a great one to bless some sweet people with. thank you all.
We are honored to tell you about the water well that we have been able to bring to the community of Yalu, Guatemala. I know the water looks dirty and it is right now. As we continue to produce the well it will clear up. There is an opportunity to drill another well for a school there in the near future. Thanks to the Lord for helping us to help them.
Water Ministry
We have had the privilege to help with water needs for a new orphanage being built in Sumpango ,Guatemala. Praising God for the ability to help. Installed 4-85 gallon pressure tanks and 2 two and one half horsepower pumps. To supply water for 10 houses that will be home to 100 kids and about 30 staff personal.
The Lord has opened the door for our water ministry to start growing and we are setting up purified water tanks in numerous locations. A very poor community called Rio Bravo, and an Orphanage to date, with more expected in the future. While there is plenty of water here in Guatemala it is not good for drinking and so many people get sick from it. This water that we are setting up is purified and free for the taking.
According to World vision, in developing countries contaminated water “accounts for 80% of all diseases and claims the lives of 5 million children a year”
God’s word says in Matthew 10-42 “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded”
In the top photo are large water tanks we took to Rio Bravo, set them up and are being filled with water that will be purified for drinking for surrounding families in the community. In the second photo next to me is Rich Pogin, and his son David next to him. They are from Life Church in Minnesota and are the ones who are paying for these large water tanks and helping with Casa Shalom orphanage. To the left of me in the photo is Josh Hanson who is working at Casa Shalom with his wife Jessica. These guys have been helpful with the funds to set up water purification stations in different areas. Right now we are working on one in Rio Bravo and will be setting up two more there, soon. Then we will see where The Lord wants us to go next.
It is very exciting to see the water Ministry starting to take off. Praise God. We were taken to a small village above Amatitlan in the mountains to see if we could help with their water needs and wow do they need help, I saw leaves, debris, and mosquito larvae swimming in their drinking water. So we have set up one tank of purified water and would like to set up about three more. There is such a great need here for better water.
With the help of Gods people and their faithfulness to give we have purchased this new KIA truck. Not only will be using it for the water ministry but also to haul food to the poor communities around the country. We used it here to haul 2, 2,500 liter tanks and tubing down to Rio Bravo for the second clean water station to be set up there to provide clean water for these folks.
Something we are looking into is purchasing a small portable drilling rig, it would be used to drill water wells in the remote regions of the country and to case those wells. This would let the people have good water right from the well.
If you feel the desire to help us with this need please pray about the water needs of people here and see how the Lords leads you to help.
We are proud to tell you that the prayers have been answered for the funds for the drilling rig, and it is on its way down here. Although we will still be needing to purchase pumps, wiring, pipe, and tanks for the areas where we will be drilling those wells.
We now have a new water tank set up at Guatelome, near to Rio Bravo, and this is the next water station up and running.
We are working on changing our water purification over to Ultraviolet light systems, They are a much better at killing bacteria, germs, and it is faster at processes the water, and its cheaper to purchase too.
So Happy to tell you that the drilling rig has made it here. Thank you Lord for the awesome provision.
Well Drilling school 101 with no instructor except God, Drilling a well at Charlie and Pats restoration center.
Also have installed 2 more Ultra-violet light purification systems one at Rio Bravo and the other at Amititlan.
One of the more recent UV purification jobs we have done is at a youth camp near to Volcano Pacaya on the El Salvador side. It is called Camp Calvary and is operated by Mike Parker. They host youth from Guatemala and the states. They contacted us to ask if we could help with the water for the camp. We installed a 15 gallon per minute UV purification system, a 90 gallon pressure tank, and a pump. This system will supply pure water to every outlet on the property. Thank you for helping us to help them.
Today I went to a new location that needs help with pure water. It is a school called “Saber Y Gracia” “Wisdom and Grace.” They have 270 students and 23 staff that will be getting pure water, they will also be giving pure water to the community there. We are happy to say that this Ultra-violet purification system was provided by some good friends from Boston, Mass
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

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