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Happy October! We hope you’ve had some cooler temperatures with the Fall season beginning.The rain has nearly stopped here and the school year is ending for the children.

October 1 is Day of the Child in Guatemala. It is highly celebrated country wide. Servants Hearts Ministries were able to bless the little day care in Santa Maria De Jesus with toys, decorations, cake and ice cream for their celebration.

Since we don’t have any other teams scheduled, Bob and the guys have been diligently working  in Esquintla on the electricity project for the water system for BuildinGuate and also for Nelly and her mother’s houses. Electricity has been run from the meter pole on the street to the water bodega. The water storage tanks have been purchased and the doors for the bodega have been built. With the end of rainy season, we hope to start work on the well again. The work had to be suspended due to the well filling up with rain water. The well diggers will be able to resume their work when things dry up.14440831_1159841437419814_9158196214503856320_n

img_2151Nelly’s house was built through your generous donations. Bob and Gary have been working on getting her and her mother some electricity. The pole for the meter is in place, they’re waiting for the meter itself to be installed on the pole. Nothing happens very fast here. The house is wired and ready.

Prayer requests are: safety for Bob, Gary and Obed as they work in heat at Esquintla, the completion of the water project there, the completion of the electrical project .

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