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Greetings and Happy Fall Ya’ll!!! Praying you are seeing some cooler temperatures and rain. We just finished with our rainy season and have started our dry season.

The last of October we had a team from Florida that came and held a Youth Conference for the children at Campos de Suenos. There were close to 100 children in attendance.One of the fathers of the children surrendered his life to the Lord during the nightly services. They had 3 days of ministry consisting of food, fun and spiritual teaching. They also built a house for a family complete with kitchen, stove, water filter bucket and also a bible and a basket of food.

We’ve had a relatively slow month. Our ministry was able to purchase an industrial air compressor and a larger used water well drilling machine. This drilling rig will drill to 400 feet and also drill through rock. This will be so beneficial to the water aspect of our ministry. Thank you to all who donated towards this important venture. We are in the process of modifying it and getting it ready to use. This is incurring a great deal of cost, including, drill pipe, drill bits, repairs in general. Will post pictures at a later date.

Bob has been traveling to a remote northern part of Guatemala. A 40 minute drive into the jungle part of that area. He visited 2 villages without electricity or water supply during the dry months. He and another missionary who ministers to those villages, will attempt to drill wells and outfit with hand pumps.

The water project at Yalu is coming along nicely and should be completed at the end of this month.

Prayer requests; up coming water projects, work on the drilling rig, the up coming team season, health for us, assistance in the ministry.


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