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Happy Valentines Day from all of us at Servants Hearts Ministries! We pray that the love of Jesus is evident to each of you every day.

David Kauffman had a team up at San Cristobal El Alto that built a house for a family , gave food bags, cut hair and they did a lot of family ministry.

The guys built a house today in San Antonio Aguas Calientes, with a couple, Rich and Cherry Smith, for a lady named Ruth. Her husband left her and her kids are having some major health issues.

Bob is up in Poptun, an area in the northern region of Guatemala learning how to drill with a cable tool rig. He’s working with an organization called Water For Life.

We’d like to introduce the newest addition to Servants Hearts Ministries, Caroline Sophia Tipaz.

Prayer requests: health and safety for our teams and staff, Bob as he travels back and forth, the up-coming team season

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