Happy Valentines Day to you all ! We pray that you all were saturated with the love from the Father. The one true love for us all.
We hosted a team from Rockdale, Texas the last of January. The team of 6 people, built a house, gave food bags, clothes and shoes to the day care, medicine to a clinic in San Cristobal El Alto and various other things. There was a Dentist on the team that has plans to establish a Dental Clinic in San Cristobal, God willing.
The first of February, Jerry and Temi Webb came. They installed 10 stoves in different areas, helped build a house that was destroyed in an explosion and ministered to their friends in San Cristobal El Alto. They also got to see the destruction of the volcano eruption from last June.
Bob is currently drilling the first well. It is a very exciting time and we are praying that many people will benefit from this area of ministry.
Prayer requests: drilling successful wells, working in the heat at El Rodeo, safety and health for the guys and our teams.