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Happy Easter from Guatemala!!

Easter season is in full swing here! Processions, alfombras, thousands of people!!! It’s quite busy and beautiful all at the same time. While death is the main theme here, we celebrate and are so very thankful for the resurrection! He is RISEN!!

This month Bob and Michael were up in Naciamento drilling a well for that community. They were there a week and then our daughter Kellie came to visit from Canada and it was also the week before Semana Santa (Holy Week) so they came home until after Easter. The other guys have been  getting things ready for team season. Michael and his son Joshua built doors and windows for the houses that will be built.

We are thankful for some time for preparation.

Prayer requests : Karry Lopez and Wendy Rodas as they recover from surgeries, Kelly Gross as she battles to get her blood sugar under control, health and safety for our teams coming, safety for the guys as they prepare for team season, successful water well drilling.

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