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WOW!!! What a busy summer we’ve had! We’d like to take this time to thank every church that sent a team and every person on those teams. God bless you as you are at home in your respective places and may God continue to use you.

At the end of June we had 2 teams here at the same time. This was a first for us, but because of the awesome staff God has graced this ministry with, we were able to accomplish it. Between these teams, they were able to build 4 houses. Mountain West Church is Vinicio and Karry’s home church in Atlanta, Georgia, thank you for serving with us. The first 3 days of Grace Church from Florida were dedicated to a Pastor’s Conference. They had Guatemalan Pastors from various areas come for training. the rest of the trip was dedicated to building.

Next, Pastor Hanks, our friend from Florida brought a team that built 4 houses, they also gave food bags. Hope Project followed them and built 4 houses . Stoves were installed in existing kitchens at this time through the offering of another  missionary.

The first week of July we had a young man from our home church come and intern with our ministry. Kabren Wills worked with us for a month helping with teams, construction and water well drilling. He was a huge blessing and we pray for him as he returns to college.

Our home church, First Baptist Snyder, Texas, came and built 4 houses, gave food bags, had VBS at the local school and gave clothes and gifts. They also got to serve at Campos De Suenos in Santa Maria De Jesus and gave food and oranges and ministered to the children there.

Pioneer Drive Baptist Church from Abilene, Texas, came next and they built 4 houses, gave food bags, and visited and ministered at Hope For Home Ministries.

Hope Project returned again and built 3 houses. As I said, it was a BUSY team season. We are praising God for protection this team season as there were no major injuries on the job sites. God is so good.

Prayer requests are:  safety for our staff as they continue working on projects, the water ministry and successful wells, Kelly Gross and her Mother’s health, Juanpa and his health, the guys as they minister to the kids in their  influence.

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