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Greetings from Guatemala, We have so much to tell you about this month. Wow the new year has started off with a bang. We had a wonderful time in Texas for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2014. We arrived back in Guatemala on the 7th and had FBC Snyder, Tx. team hot on our heals arriving on the 9th. 

We had a wonderful time with out home town church here. Having family and friends here helps and encourages us in a big way. My sister Vickie Kornegay came with this team. It was a group of 14. Larry and Susan Scott, Fred and Ann Cross, Matt and Becky Cross, Hannah Downing, Alton and Sherry Patterson,  Teah Dollins, Josefina Flores, and her daughter Isabele from Abilene. Vickie Kornegay and Last but not least Pastor Ben Reid. They did such a good job of sharing the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the people here of Guatemala.

They built 2 homes complete with kitchen, wood burning stove, water filter bucket for making pure water, a bag of food, and bible. The first home was built in Loving memory of Margaret Presswood, the second in memory of Art Flores. At the first home they were already believers but we got the meet the youngest son who is a youth pastor of a nearby church. At the second home there were 7 family members who excepted Jesus as their Savior that day. Then they went on Wednesday to the feeding center in Santa Maria de Jesus and helped to feed over 400 children. They made sure each one got a half of an orange as they left the building. They bought and made food bags for 20 families. Each bag had beans, rice, corn, oatmeal, sugar, salt, cooking oil, powdered milk, oranges, pineapples, avocados, onions, fire-starter and matches. These food bags had about 80 Lbs. of food each. As they delivered these bags they prayed with the families and gave them a bible. They installed 2 more wood burning stoves in homes where the families were cooking with an open fire, and breathing all that smoke. These families also received a water filter bucket, and bibles. It was a pure joy having all these home town people here with us.

For our prayer request this month please keep these families in your prayers as many of them are new believers and they will be getting attacked from satan. Also that we will be able to help them with getting plugged into a strong bible believing church. 

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