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Greetings from Guatemala, We want to tell you all about a few folks who have been to visit. We returned to Guatemala July the 15th, and was at our home for about 5 hours then went back to the airport to pick up Mary Ann Wright and 2 of her daughters Sydney, and Avery, Austin Forbes, and Allison Downing. They did many great projects. After they went home about a week later Jerry and Temi Webb, and Steve and Kay Pepper came for a week of ministry.  With half the Wright family along with Austin and Allison we went to Cenma market, bought lots of food and supplies, brought that home and separated it up to give to 5 families in Santa Maris de Jesus. We went to the stove factory and bought 6 stoves. Then we went right to SMDJ and started installing stoves, that was Tuesday. On Wednesday we put in one more stove then went and helped feed the kids at the feeding center. On Thursday we built a house for a family there and installed a stove in that new home. On Friday it was one more stove and help feed the kids again at the feeding center.  Saturday was spent in Antigua shopping, and then Church on Sunday. Monday Mary and Sydney had to return to Texas but Allison and Avery and Austin stayed for a few more days.  We did some more work and visiting with and playing with kids in SMDJ. The three A’s left to go home on Wednesday.  These young people and Mary Ann worked so hard while here, we are very impressed with the amount of things we got done and the needs that were met. Thank you all for helping and giving to the Lord.  Here they are with the house they built and the family they built it for .


Next we had some friends and some new friends come to do ministry for a week. First we had the chance to go the beautiful south pacific of Guatemala with them for a few days of R&R before we got started. We went to Cenma market and bought food enough for 20 families at SMDJ. We brought that back to the house and divided it up into separate bags. Each bag had beans, rice, powdered milk, maseca, oatmeal, salt, sugar, onions, carrots, pineapple, oil, soap, shampoo. Enough food to help each family with supplies for a month.  Then on Tuesday morning we  went to SMDJ and they gave away tee-shirts and flip-flops they had brought with them. Then we started giving food for 6 families and one stove. On Wednesday we took food for 7 families and toured the new feeding center being built, and dropped by to see the kids at the old feeding center. We realized we didn’t have enough food for all the families we wanted to take it to, so we stopped by the store here at San Lucas and got enough for one more family. So on Thursday we took food for 8 families. That was a total of 21 families who got the blessing of supplies and provisions. Thank you Father God, Jerry, Temi, Steve and Kay.  What a blessing you are to us and the people of Guatemala.


Here you can see them giving away all those tee-shirts and flip-flops. As it turns out, Steve is a good balloon blower upper. The people really enjoyed receiving this gift. Also every day we gave away about 100 oranges and bananas from the back of the truck.

For the prayer request for this month, we need God’s guidance in all the people that we encounter here. We ask you to join in with us for asking God to show us the ones he wants us to help.  For the new feeding center at Santa Maria de Jesus. Thank you for keeping these before the Lord. 




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