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Hello everybody, we have had several teams here this summer and are so excited about what God is doing here. We are getting back in the swing of things. We had a team coming this week from FBC Snyder, Tx. We built a couple houses with them, passed out food bags. Helping at Campos de Suanos feeding center.Shared many laughs, hugs, and tears.

We have had 5 teams come so far this year and still have 2 more before years end. We really enjoy working with these teams.

We have some good news to tell you about. Our staff is growing we now have 3 full time staff members. Vinicio Lopez and his family, Fernando Olay (also known as Mono) and his family, and Samuel Rodriguez Martinez. Newest addition. He is a young man with great energy and eager to learn. And yes those are blue highlighted in his hair.

Also some great news, we have been blessed enough to be able to purchase a new Isuzu work truck for Vinicio, Mono will drive Vinicioi’s old truck. A new 2.5 ton work truck has been purchased. We were able to use it for the first time with the FBC team.To God be the Glory for that one. Also we are making plans to replace the truck that is with our cable tool drill rig. It’s an old 1990 model International truck and it doesn’t have engine exhaust break, Something that is really needed for driving in the mountains here. We have been given funds to make the purchase for that truck. Just need to find the time to get it and then switch the drill rig to the better truck.


We have some prayer request to share with you. Vinicio has some problems with controlling his blood sugar levels, This is newly discovered and he is working to get it under control with diet and starting some medication. Also please keep our water well drilling projects lifted up to the Lord as we try to get better water to the people here. Thank you for praying for us.

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